Engagement Towards Marriage

Fiance? Guns era times already? Why should be engaged? If two hearts are mutually menyuka memateraikannya why not just the name of love in a marriage? The engagement will only prolong it's the way the story is not important. Believe so? Eits! Let us examine first what the meaning of engagement and what the responsibilities placed on them.

Precisely fiance is a way to bring men and women who have the intention to settle down. Fiance is the one that we hope will become our future life partner until death do us part. Engaged tantamount to prepare ourselves and our inner to hold promise in the profit and the poor with someone.

Number of Divorce
Innumerable marriages countless weeks, months doomed in a short time. Many people who argue it is caused by ego and other problems that have no way out. Really? Why it did not appear at first? Why do not undergo a first engagement before?

The Flexible Adaptation Period
There are couples who were engaged by exchanging rings. But there is also an engagement which took place without the presence of a ring exchange ceremony. This is not why it depends on the policies of each partner and their extended family.

But what is important both partners have proclaimed attachment to each other and ready to undergo an adaptation period of between two persons. Fiance is a flexible time for two human beings to know each other and understand each character.

Keeping Morals
Engagement should not be used as a platform to mingle freely among men and women. With engaged then feel free to make a relationship like husband and wife. Engagement should be more emphasis on the introduction of the nature, attitude and outlook on life between a pair of human children.

Can each party lasted until the end of the journey of life with people that are probably different, opposite, or even contrary to him? Note that any character is one element that we can see from the character of our partners during the period engaged!

Many things must be considered in the preparation of engagement or betrothal ceremony itself. Certainly not an engagement event will prepare prepare serepot wedding. Some things we can look at the engagement of the event are as follows:

- specify the date

When will we get engaged? Specify the date and if you want to hold a celebration event at the same time specify the location and capacity of the space.

- Specify the engagement ceremony

It's good we make a deal with prospective families about the event we fiancé an engagement later. Will there be a ring exchange? Is there a special Seserahan as a prerequisite engaged? How long this engagement will be held?

- Determine invitation

Who will attend as a guest on the show's engagement? Quite simply the parents of each party or some such elder elder uncle, grandparent or great grandfather of the family. Determine who will also be a deputy speaker of each side.

- Prepare Bathin

Both parties should prepare themselves with a lot of praying and reading references about the character of marriage and the union of two human children. Because this is not easy and it took a lot of sacrifice. Moreover, if the period of this engagement turns up the properties that had not seen. This engagement can be broken middle of the road!

Broadly speaking engagement is the best preparation for a pair of human children to proceed toward marriage. Fiance is a time of calm and ready to sail the seas in a ship a greater role in the wedding later that sakinah, mawaddah and wa'rahmah!